Introducing the MDI Aseptiprime High Throughput PES Sterilizing Grade Filter

MDI has designed a unique highly asymetric prefilter layer which provides substantially higher throughput for their PES Sterilizing grade 0.2 and 0.1 um membranes. This filter is their premier product, which they call Aseptiprime. The filter has performed exceptionally well with respect to cell culture media filtration and offers higher throughput vs some of the major filter suppliers at lower cost. The highly asymetric prefilter layer provides substantial protection of the downstream 0.2 um layer which results in very high throughput characteristics. I am excited to get out in the field and do more testing with this unique membrane and believe this filter can offer substantial benefits in the market place where higher throughput is required for more effective filtration processes. MDI has performed direct head to head testing vs the major filter suppliers and has performed filterability studies in order to measure the throughput advantages offered by this membrane and shown high throughputs reporting as much as 40% higher than other PES sterilizing grade membranes. For more information please contact me directly and I would be happy to provide data from the filterability trials.
